
A Concept Paper has been prepared as part of the Enhancing Innovation in Education and Training for Healthcare Workers in Europe project, describing the current state of education for healthcare workers in partner countries; it presents innovations and methods introduced under the project and recommendations for improving lifelong learning in the healthcare profession. The aim of this document and partnership is to help create a network of international partners who will strive together to execute and implement these recommendations.

The document is available on request from: [email protected]

The project was implemented in the period from 1 August 2012 to 31 July 2014 with the financial support of the European Commission.

Project name: Enhancing innovation in education and training for medical staff in Europe
Program: Lifelong Learning Programme / Leonardo da Vinci
Implementation period: 1 August 2012 – 31 July 2014 (24 months)
Applicant/Coordinator: LINET spol. s r.o. (CZ)

Partners: LINET France S.A.S (FR), LINET Sweden AB (SWE), Karolinska University Hospital (SWE), Polish Nurses Association (PL), Institution of Nurses Postgraduate Education (PL), Czech Nursing Association (CZ)

The primary goal of this project is: to establish partnership network consisting of 7 partners from the health sector representing university, teaching hospital, medical technologies producers, nurses associations and postgraduate institute. The partnership will cooperate on developing and disseminating thematically focused concept paper on the topic Innovation in education and training for medical staff and will incorporate in the paper information from and implications for both sectors, vocational education and training and world of work. The concept paper will help to define necessary activities and stakeholders needed to systematically establish approach towards identification, analysis and integration of innovations into the vocational education and training for medical staff – nurses. The Partnership encourages cooperation between the world of education, training and work. All partners are top leaders in their sector and rank among the best institutions not only in their country but in the whole Europe and have proved as innovators in their previous activities.

The project reacts on several facts that are characteristics for the VET in nursing in the last years:

  • Dynamics of the labour market in the health sector in EU
  • Changes in nursing education
  • Impact of VET of nurses on their daily work life

The established partnership and resulted paper will form a platform for the next step, definition of new project on a larger scale for transfer of innovation (TOI). The project aims to disseminate the concept and promote the importance of Innovation in education and training among the vast network of the stakeholders involved in the health sector.