News and Press Releases
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News & press releases

Ukrajině pomůžeme! Aktivně také řešíme, jak pomoct našim ukrajinským zaměstnancům a jejich rodinám
„Ruská agrese proti suverénní Ukrajině je pro nás naprosto neakceptovatelná. Je neuvěřitelné, čeho jsme nyní svědky. Jako Češi to vnímáme velmi osobně. LINET bude pomáhat Ukrajině, svým ukrajinským zaměstnancům i jejich rodinám,“ říká Tomáš Kolář, Managing Director…

LINET Group will launch a new generation of Multicare X beds on the world market as part of the prestigious ISICEM
The fortieth year of the International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (ISICEM) is the largest meeting of experts in these fields in the world. This year, LINET Group is its golden partner. Right in Brussels, where ISICEM takes place every year, the…

Children’s bed Tom 2 is now even safer
We at LINET care deeply about the safety of all patients, including the small ones. That is why our TOM 2 bed fully complies with the new children’s bed standard EN50637:2017.

LINET marketing is changing to better reflect the company’s values. The first step is a new modern visual identity and brand claim.
Outstanding technological innovation, progressive design, and thirty years of experience – that’s LINET, a brand that has reshaped the global hospital bed market. Millions of health professionals all over the world use the company’s products in caring for their…

LINET Provides Support to the Côte d'Ivoire in the Fight Against COVID-19
Twenty Eleganza 1 beds, worth €40,000, were donated by LINET as direct aid to the Côte d'Ivoire's healthcare system in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The donation will be used at the Center Hospitalier Universitaire (Chu) in Treichville, which is part of the…

LINET products are already in compliance with the MDR
LINET, the largest European manufacturer of healthcare beds, is one of the key players in the field of healthcare devices. The company now demonstrates that it is a professional and reliable partner by being one of the subjects on the market already in compliance with…