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Full house in Shanghai

At the China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF) 2018 in Shanghai, the largest trade fair in the region, LINET has been successful in fully applying its innovative trade fair concept and thus attracting Chinese audiences with a thirst for trendy new products…


Zbyněk Frolík named Manager of the Quarter Century

On Thursday, April 19, the naming ceremony of the prestigious Czech Manager of the Quarter Century award was held in Prague. The special event to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Manager of the Year competition took place in the Spanish Hall at Prague Castle.…


Nemocnice Písek má nově Eleganzu 5 jako vítěz v projektu Nemocnice ČR 2017

V pohodové atmosféře převzal ředitel Nemocnice Písek MUDr. Jiří Holan a personál oddělení ARO nové intenzivní lůžko Eleganza 5 s laterálním náklonem, které tým nemocnice získal díky prvenství v hodnotícím projektu Nemocnice ČR 2017. Lůžko pro vítěze 12. ročníku…


As a market leader, LINET is preparing for SRATI 2018, the largest Romanian Congress of Intensive Care Medicine

The 44th annual Congress of the Romanian Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care will be hosted by the Sinaia resort, an attractive tourist destination. Instead of skiers and cyclists, the little town will be filled with the most important intensive care influencers…


The Czech pavilion in Hong Kong will host the Multicare bed and LINET's complete solution

For the second time, LINET will take the opportunity to present its innovations at Hong Kong Medical Devices and Supplies, an event targeted at the professional community. There, it will exhibit the TOP resuscitation bed Multicare at the Czech pavilion on 7 – 9 May,…


Solo for the TOM 2 bed and its bear at the paediatric conference in Glasgow

Does it really revolve around Tom and bears at LINET? It would seem that it does! The promotional campaign for the TOM 2 health care bed for children with the story of Tom the Bear, which puts smiles on the faces of sick children again, is now culminating and gaining…
