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News & press releases
Bojnice: Největší kongresová událost v sociálních službách v SR
Inspirativní hosté, aktuální témata a živé diskuse s konstruktivními závěry. Taková byla největší konference pro klíčové manažery a pracovníky v sociálních službách na Slovensku, de facto první svého druhu v novodobé historii Slovenska. Pořadateli byla Asociácia…

First time in Zambia: a new partner, important meetings and positive feedback
As part of the gradual expansion to the African market, the LINET premiere took place in Zambia, a progressive region with great potential for further growth. In the 3rd week of September, LINET presented itself with its new distribution partner at the 6th Annual…

Smart technologies and clinical know-how for long-term care at the EAHSA - E.D.E. congress in Prague
The most important annual meeting of European professionals and directors in the field of long-term care EAHSA - E.D.E. This year, the congress will take place in Prague on 13th – 14th September. For LINET Group, it will be an opportunity to present to participants…

EPUAP 2018: Rome will become the backdrop for the launch of the new range of Virtuoso mattresses
The new range of Virtuoso active mattresses and the unique Moving&Handling workshop will undoubtedly be the biggest highlights from the LINET Group at the 20th Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel. But there will be much more to see in Rome,…

LINET a Artspect podpoří v Bojnicích kvalitní péči o seniory a sociální služby
Historicky první konferenci pro manažery a pracovníky v sociálních službách na Slovensku spolupořádá Artspect, slovenský distributor LINETu. Konference se koná 27. a 28. září v Bojnicích a jejím garantem a druhým spolupořadatelem je Asociácia poskytovateľov sociálnych…

The first round won for AVE 2 in Romania
The AVE 2 bed, which is designed for supporting natural births and offers mothers an exceptional number of birthing positions, was met with a great reception in Romania at the first International Perinatal TOTAL Health Congress. This was despite the specific approach…