News and Press Releases
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News & press releases

Africa Health 2017: A positive outcome
The stable market has an appetite for quality beds. At the end of May, the Africa Health exhibition took place in the great region of southern Africa, where LINET presented with great success.

LINET is donating more than 1.5 million to charity projects in 2017.
The money contributed by the management and employees will help the disabled and support the fight against corruption. Solidarity and assistance to those in need is expressed not only by management of LINET, but also by the spontaneous collections of the employees…

Více než 1,5 milionu věnuje LINET na charitativní projekty v roce 2017
Peníze od managementu i zaměstnanců pomohou handicapovaným a podpoří boj proti korupci. Solidaritu a pomoc potřebným vyjadřuje za LINET nejen vedení společnosti, ale také spontánní sbírky samotných zaměstnanců. Největší dar 1 milion korun bude putovat do Nadačního…

Eleganza 5: The Art of Turning
The nurse will carry out routine nursing procedures ergonomically and effortlessly with new LINET bed Eleganza 5.

A hectic week in China
During the third week in May, two key events took place concurrently in the Far East – the biggest fair in the region, the China International Medicinal Equipment Fair in Shanghai, and the professionally focused international Hong Kong Medical Devices and Supplies Fair…

The Eleganza 5 bed makes its African début
The LINET Group SE has brought significant resources to the Africa Health 2017 exhibition, where the new Eleganza 5 was introduced to the region for the first time. The unique child’s bed TOM 2 can also be seen and tried out there. The LINET Group SE intends to…